If you want the localized names like Marlene and Phoenix Down instead of Marin and Phoenix Tail, make it 'y' for Series_Canon, Place_Canon and Name_Canon.If you want the original Square localization, make it 'New_Translation = 0' The installer uses the retranslation by default.For smooth 60 FPS battles, make it '_60fps_Battles = 2'.Features such as model overhaul, transparent textboxes, etc, need to be changed from 'n' to 'y' in the Options file. After installing, only very basic functionalities are enabled. Saves will now be stored in the 'save' folder in the root directory. The setup will make a new folder called 'The_Reunion'. However, The Reunion can be disabled using 'Disable_The_Reunion = y' in its Options files, so the player can switch between 'Steam mode' and 'Reunion mode'. The Reunion is not compatible with Steam achievements, cloud saves, and the trainer. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin